Our Museum

The Johnson County Historical Society Museum is home to the society's more than 10,000 historic artifacts that portray the diverse and vibrant heritage of the county, from the Meskwaki to early settlers to contemporary times.

Many of these items- from an authentic handcart commemorating the Mormon's historic trek westwards from Iowa to a replica of the beloved Blue Top Motel to a 19th century millstone- are on display in permanent and rotating exhibits that bring history alive.  Check our News & Events page for current exhibits.

A unique viewing window enables visitors to see into the archival area, where staff preserve and care for historic artifacts.


Museum Hours

    Closed Mondays and major holidays.

Tuesday - Saturday:
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

12 p.m. - 5 p.m.


Research/collections hours

Please email a request to our museum curator with details regarding infomation you are seeking.  Please provide dates and names so that we can determine if we have any information to help you with your search. The requests will be answered in the order in which they are received.  To submit a request please click on the "curator" email link on the Contact page of this website. 

To view a list of the JCHS collections, please visit the History page.

Museum Location

860 Quarry Road
Coralville, Iowa 52241-5081

(319) 351-5738

See a map to our location

Museum Photos