Major Research Collections
The following is a list of current major collections within JCHS' holdings. This is not an exhaustive list of JCHS collections, but represents possible areas of research interest:
Johnson County Atlases. 1870, 1889, 1900, 1917, 1932, 1946, 1954, 1962, 1978
Johnson County Farm Directories. 1980-1990s
Johnson County Aerial Photographs. 1956
Johnson County Soil Maps. 1978
Johnson County Deed Books. begins 1840. Deed records are also available on microfilm at the county recorder's office.
Iowa City Neighborhood Maps. various years.
Arts Iowa City. Records. 1976-1996.
Burianek, Lucille. Greeting Cards. c.1910-1920. Collected by Burianek. Holidays include New Years, Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, Halloween and Birthday.
Coldren Family. Papers, Correspondance, Family Histories and Photographs. c. 1848-c.1940s. Includes material from the John N. Coldren, Ezekiel Clark, and Samuel J. Kirkwood families and travel postcards of May Coldren.
Community Stories Collection. Photographs, Histories of Johnson County Communities, Objects and Oral Histories. Assembled by JCHS' Community Stories Project in 2008-2009.
Coralville 4th of July Parade, history and photographs, c. 1983-2000. notebooks created by parade organizer Margaret Morgan.
Fryauf Harness Shop. c. 1890-1950s. Harness making tools and harness pieces from Fryauf Harness Shop, Dubuque Street, Iowa City.
Goosetown Neighborhood, Iowa City. Research, Correspondance, Family Histories, and Photographs. 1880-1950. Research material collected by Mary Beth Slonneger.
Johnson County Rural Schools. 1870-1966. includes teacher's registers/attendance logs, photographs, school souvenirs, objects, student projects, school board records, consolidation information, commencement programs and oral histories. Contact JCHS for specific schools.
Mezik Family. Glass Plate Negatives. c.1900-1910. Photographs around the Mezik home, 1120 N. Dodge Street, Iowa City.
Old Capitol Questers. Records and Photographs. 1960-2005.
Oakes Family. Papers and Photographs. c. 1860-1965. Materials related to the Nicholas Oakes family, Oakes Brick and Tile Company, and Oakes Coal Company.
Oral History Interviews. 1997-present. Over 100 recorded interviews and transcriptions of Johnson County residents. Project topics include farm life, theaters, Johnson County Fair, rural schools, Coralville Schoolhouse, Tiffin, Community Stories Project, St. Mary and St. Patrick School Iowa City, World War II local knitting projects, other individual non-project oral histories.
Quilt Registration Project. Photographs and Documentation. 1994. Color slides of quilts in private collections in Johnson County and those in the JCHS collection.
Snyder/Hess Family. Personal Correspondance. c. 1820-c.1908. letters of William B. Snyder and Samuel J. Hess family including correspondance during the California gold rush.
Spaziani, Carol. Iowa City Business Collection. c. 1880s-1980s. Objects from mostly extinct Iowa City businesses collected by Spaziani.
Stewart, George and Zella (White). Head, University of Iowa Department of Physics and Iowa City Allergist respectively. Papers. c. 1890-1960s. Personal and professional correspondance, photographs, travel scrapbooks.
Urban Renewal, Iowa City. Photographs. c. 1970-1976. Photographer Theo Lindley. 150 color slides documenting downtown Iowa City during urban renewal.
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