membership | volunteer | collection donations | financial contributions


why Become a Member                                                       

A Johnson County Historical Society membership means wonderful benefits and support for one of Iowa's finest museums. With an eclectic collection of Johnson County artifacts and cultural archives, the Johnson County Historical Society Museum is a place to visit again and again. Supporting the Museum ensures that JCHS can stay committed to serving the public by furthering an appreciation of the historical and cultural heritage of the Johnson County Community through education, preservation, and interpretation.

                                                     Membership Levels & Benefits

$35 Individual

Courtesy membership in Time Travelers, a reciprocal membership network for U.S. historical sites and museums. Member benefits include free/reduced admission, gift shop discounts, free parking and much more!  For more information:

Invitations to special events & programs

Discounts to fee-based programs (such as the Barn Tour)

Free admission to the JCHS Museum & Antique Car Museum of Iowa

Discount at the JCHS Museum Shop 

$45 Household Same as above for two (2) adults and all children under 18 in a single household.
$75 - 99 Contributor Same as above with recognition based upon level of giving
$100 Business     Recognition as a sponsoring business member
$101-249 Century Partner  
$250-499  Friend of History  
$500 - up Preservation Partner


You can become a JCHS member two ways: 


1.  Download our membership form and mail it with your payment to JCHS. Click here to download the membership form.



2. Become a new member or renew your JCHS membership by paying online!


Thank you to our business members

Local businesses help to make  our community great.  Thank you to all of our business members throughout Johnson County.  For more information on our business memberships, please email or call us at 319/351-5738.



Preservation partner level ($500-$999)

West Music Co.


Friend of history level ($250-$499)

The Economy Advertising Company

River Products Company, Inc.


Century Partner level ($100-$249)

Aero Rental   

Consumers Cooperative

Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank, Lone Tree branch

Frohwein Office Plus            

Magruder Farms

New Pioneer Food Co-Op

Smith and Wood Construction, Inc.

West Bank